Upton Massachusetts/USA
Location: Town of Upton, Massachusetts
Note: In Upton Massachusetts The Blackstone Valley sponsors a full-spectrum ocean of foliage in the Autumn season. This is a classic New England hamlet that feels more like a rural village sitting just off the Ring of Kerry, rather than central Massachusetts.
Natural features of the town include a State Forest with roughly 7 miles of trails, with other minor trails leading to stellar places like Look Out Rock (top image). Upton offers-up an “Old World” aesthetic with some very real historical substance, containing one of the finest Wedge Tomb’s in the world, known as the Upton Stone Chamber (image below).
The scale of the Upton Stone Chamber is very similar to the Stone Chamber at the top of the sacred Hill of Tara in Ireland.
The stonework of the Upton Chamber is exquisite, with dry-laid corbel roofing that opens up from an entry passage into a 15foot dome, crafted into the Earth! The roof has four 5 ton slabs holding up the passage leading to the mini-dome.
This is of the same style of roofing that was used, on a more massive scale, at New Grange, Ireland, the oldest megalithic site in the World (right image).
When I entered the Upton Chamber and turned to take pictures, orbs started floating around.(left image) (Click it to look closer). There is energy in these chambers. In general, these are some pretty strong stylistic connections to some very significant places, for just a simple small town in New England.
Just like in Glenveagh National Park, Ireland (left image), Upton has unique and complex megalithic stones that are beautifully mingled into various features of the landscape, with stone-linings that are much larger than Celtic linings (2nd and 3rd/left images/Upton).
Massive granite boulders are stacked near peaks in the area, and all throughout the elevated trails. Some boulders, however hard it is to believe, seem to have been molded to imitate, and align, to the center of significant peaks in the distance.
Look Out Rock is an amazing example this, with three parallel grooves carved into its face, seemingly calling attention to the boulder. It points, like an arrow, directly to the top-center of the mountain in the foreground, creating a kind of prismatic display (right image).
From an anthropological standpoint this is significant information, indicating that this culture was clearly “symmetry conscious”, and not only that, but symmetry capable. They could make it happen. Scope and scale of megalithic work by a culture that is capable of these statements should be reconsidered entirely to understand what is actually taking place. The neolithic culture in Upton, and all over New England, could craft granite boulders like a modern carpenter crafts wood. Forest floors in Ireland and New England look to be made up entirely of granite scraps that are cut from the larger boulders, eventually placed as statements further up the various mountains. This is the reason we find so many stones on elevated trails that have obvious cuts, right angles, and squares. The Blue Hills in Massachusetts (below left), and Mount Bearnagh in Ireland (below right), are prime examples of this. The trails in these sacred places are lined with the scraps of “megalithic carpentry”. If we were to look at the angles of the scraps on the floor of a carpenters cutting-table, the pieces, on their own, are a disheveled mess which doesn’t make any orderly sense, but the significance of each little piece is that they stem from the cutting of a ‘larger block’ on the table.
The angled granite scraps are the overall proof that craftsmanship took place. Entire trails are lined with scraps of angular granite cuts throughout Ireland, Wales, England, and New England. Returning to Upton, a New-England style Dolmen sits just thirty yards from the peak at Look Out Rock. This is also a trait of sacred neolithic places. Wedge Tombs and Dolmens are often just out of view from the most advantageous spots of their specific site, very much like hikers and campers keep a tent out of the wind fairly close to the beautiful spots they want to photograph and camp near.
The Wedge Tomb in the heights of Glenveagh Forest, just like Look Out Rock, is centrally aligned to the mountain in front of it, with a Dolmen tucked just 30 yards from the best vantage in Glenveagh National Park. (image on right/Glenveagh Wedge Tomb). Something’s going on here. The boulders on this unique Dolmen (Image below) are cut utilizing massive and graceful lines, with long square boulders fit into each other, balancing perfectly into what looks like a primitive pyramid. The Stones are obviously cut. This Dolmen utilizes a ‘scale-scheme’ with the larger lower boulders, leading up to the smaller capstone at the top (image left).
It is an incredibly thoughtful looking structure. In scale (not style) it is very much like the massive Proleek Dolmen in Ireland, which also shows nearly miraculous scale, and balance.
(right image). Interwoven into the old colonial town of Upton, there are ledges with massive megalithic fixtures, huge quartz streaks and balanced boulders. The geological explanation for these features just doesn’t make sense. Scientists usually impose some theory of how glacial ice exploded, or slid, in a certain way to make events like this happen, but it just doesn’t hold up logically. Take a look at these massive quartz parallel shafts, with a free sitting boulder cut and inserted into the underside of the ledge. The boulders may have been cut with the intention of having the quartz grow into the parallel gaps, which reveals an amazing comprehension of how quartz responds to granite in certain positions and places. I wouldn’t put this capability past the megalith builders. It seems that they had total understanding of how to use the landscape, and had the power to mold it as they saw fit. Conceptually, it breaks our reality wide open.
There are stone-linings so massive in Upton, that they look like they were intended to be walked on
(image left below). Stone-linings literally converge on a Wedge Tomb at Glenveagh National Park from three directions (bottom image) (Click to look closer). These are all indicators that these stones were being used as energy harnesses, connecting features in the landscape, transferring energy from the Sun, to the stones, into the chambers. The entire town of Upton is sitting on a geologically engineered landscape. Take the trails through Upton Forest in October for a ‘fantastic full spectrum’ experience, and hike up to Look Out Rock to see for yourself the aligned ledges and Dolmen. This is truly a sacred and enchanted place in the heart of New England, comparable to any Celtic site. Seek it out.