
Seek and Find The Sacred

December 21, 2017

Mount Wachusett State Reservation

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Location: Princeton/ Massachusetts/USA

Elevation: 2006ft

Prominence: 998ft

Note: The small mountains of Massachusetts are a cozy set of elevations that generally rise to about 1700 feet. This description isn’t exactly awe inspiring. One thing that is awe inspiring and of the most pinnacle quality, among these small ranges, are the ecosystems, the fauna, the rivers, the trees, and the soil. This is similar to the reputation of the ancient British heartland, Wessex, where Danes and Saxons carried out brutal campaigns to possess the nutrient rich soil. The Viking homelands of Denmark and Norway were at an extreme agricultural disadvantage, with a majority of un-plantable mountain faces and temperatures too cool and damp to create any consistent crop.  Also take a look, for example, at Irish grounds; the grass is often brackish, and inundated with stone. In less modern periods, you could spend your entire life trying to clear a set of Irish fields to produce a crop, and still lack success. Imagine an Irish farmer’s response to the soil in the ‘New World’. In most of New England the soil runs consistent and deep, soft and rich, producing beautiful crops.  The image above is a long glance at the beautiful Wachusett Valley, in Massachusetts, in Fall. This multicolored Valley runs from Concord all the way to Princeton Massachusetts, to Wachusett Mountain itself, with many towns between. The Mountain is just barely  to be seen in the image above, at the back-center, a shadowy statement against the horizon. It’s just an amazingly beautiful place in Autumn. And just like in Old Europe, any tribe passing through this region would want to stay.  Some History: For this land, Natives fought other Natives. Then Natives fought the Colonials for this land. Then Colonials fought the British for this land. Seems like everyone agrees, this land is a good place to be. A hike up Wachusett Mountain (Image/Above) is an opportunity to feel this regions beauty and value. After recognizing all this, there is yet one more culture that seems to have been here, before anyone else. There are mysterious megalithic signs in the landscape, and yet this earliest Era is never discussed in New England. This is an Era most of us just don’t really consider. Our undergraduate  textbooks usually begin with the Greeks, progressing to the Romans, to the Medieval, the Renaissance, Colonialism, and finally the Industrial Revolution; but our classes really never offered information about pre-Grecian cultures, and more importantly, the implications of these unresolved mysteries. The Egyptians had roughly 30 Dynasties over the course of a thousand years, and built the most perfect megaliths the world has ever known (to-date engineers still cannot replicate them) yet the implications of Egyptian mysteries were never discussed in our western classrooms. Why? To keep them obscure; to relegate that portion of history into “conspiracy theory”, rather than part of our overall discussion. The one thing that Western academia couldn’t do is hide the megaliths and the dramatic statements that remain in the granite. The woods at Wachusett State Forest  are not unassuming at all; the megaliths here, in several different ways, are trying to tell us something. But first, lets wander in. 

Trails:  To arrive at Wachusett Mountain State Reservation in central Massachusetts simply take Route 2 West, which runs across the entire State. Connect to Route 140 South, and drive just for a few minutes. Turn onto Mountain Road into the Reserve, where you will see the sign for the Trailhead parking. There are essentially 8 trails here. Most popular are the “Mountain Loop”, which almost circumambulates the Mountain in an 5.8 mile hike with solid views; “West Side Trail”, a moderate 2.8 mile loop featuring paths strewn with wildflowers, and classic 400 year old forest groves; and “Summit Loop”, a 4.9 mile stretch that includes a serious effort to the peak gaining roughly 1000 feet for the best view of the region. After achieving the peak, the trail will take you down to a full New England Dolmen which sits in the forest (quixotically named: “Balance Rock”) 

Featured Trail: “Summit Loop Trail”/Upper trail: This is the most popular trail at Wachusett. The lower trail is a stony path with curious patterns in the rock. It legitimately looks as if the stones here have been hewn into a criss-cross pattern, like a quilt. The stones are distinct, separate, pieces laid in parallel sections. (Image/Below) I just can’t understand how an of this could be considered natural. In one swift diagnostic you can see the math in the stones.   As the path rises,  it then changes. A different set of large, individuated, flat plates of rock emerge in a spotty but specifically patterned line up the trail. How could the lower path set be so distinctly different from the one just 100 feet further up? And look at the distribution of the stones; each plate is essentially equal in size and spacing on this second path. Very strange. (Image/Below) Native Americans of this region considered these trails sacred, serving as miniature highways through the mountains. They must have seen the strange distinctions in these stones and considered the place enchanted in some way. Wachusett indeed was considered a holy place by the ancient tribes of the area.  On a misty day such as this, these pathways are like woodsy tunnels. There is a strange comfort in the distinctness of the path that rises before you through the fog. Here is yet a third trail with a unique style of a singular layer of stone spread like butter, evenly, just before the upper clearing. (Image/Below) This a third style of stone along the same path within a thousand feet.How can we not notice this?
No one is expected to concede to the idea of an ancient culture that could hew massive mountain stones into patterns and structures, and yet, ancient cultures are seemingly beckoning us to accept that very thing. Although it is not written in our textbooks, megalithic craftsmanship is in the antiquity of literally every nation. Russia, Peru, France, Italy, Ireland, China, America, England, Scotland, Greece, Turkey, Korea, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, and many, many, more. Just google any of these nations, along with the term ‘megaliths’, and hundreds of variations of examples from forests and mountains worldwide will appear, most of them very hard to explain. You will begin to realize that the trail you are on is most likely a sacred one, one that sponsored megalithic culture, with several incredible supporting statements. And if you visit several sacred trails over time, you will see the pattern of those trademarks. One such trademark appeared embedded in the lower rock face of the mountain here, an “X” section. (Image/Below)  Now, taken on its own, this could be dismissed as a singular fracture in the granite. But these “X” sections have a way of popping up all over New England. Here is another one at “Monument Mountain”, a sacred mountain to the west of here…(Image/Below/Left) This colossal “X” section is also located about 100 yards from a beautifully cut Standing Stone. (image/right) This is no accident.



















The two “X: sections just above, one located at the sacred Mountain of Monadnock/New Hampshire/USA (Left), and the other literally hewed into one of the the stone linings at Monument Mountain/Massachusetts/USA (Image/Above/Right), reveal varying levels of intensity, but are clearly crafted. It is as if the tool used to create these markings was of intense and focused heat that hewed the rock in exact ways. It clearly was not chiseled into the stone.

Take a look a this massive “X” section on the left; it is located near the peak of Mount Clark in Colorado/USA. This “X” section is located on a 40 ton boulder sitting just 30 yards from a large Standing Stone (Image/Below), legitimizing the anthropology of the entire scene.







As I have written many times over the years, it seems that the “X” sections are type of logo that signifies a sacred zone. It is no accident that they are most often found near the peaks of mountains that were considered sacred to the Native Americans and Celts. The “X” is a “calling card” of the  ancient megalithic culture.  On the left is an image of an “X” section near the peak at Hulapai Mountain /Arizona/USA.  Look at the precision of this section! It’s on an isolated trail 7,300 feet above sea level, incised into a mountain side! It looks like modern water-cut stone. This “X” section is also located roughly 30 yards away from a Standing Stone, of equally unique precision. (Image/Below)



At Watatic Mountain in Massachusetts/USA there are several “X” sections of less intensity, but exact precision sliced into the stones, and yes, they are located near a Standing Stone close to the peak. (Images/Below) These sections are obviously cut to be noticed. We may very well be looking at the first axiomatic and intrinsic symbolism of all language.  Whoever created these sections absolutely wanted us to see them, that much is clear. And below/right, again, is the Standing Stone that the two Watatic Mountain “X” sections are near to.








Are you seeing the pattern here? How is it that in a 100 years of modern anthropology, not a single anthropologist, geologist, or even social scientist, has now marked the obvious patterns and trends found in the heights of megalithic spaces of New England? How can Harvard or M.I.T professors, continue to belittle the most blatant and obvious patterns of evidence in these distinct spaces, from their desks? They will refuse to acknowledge, even with the related patterns of evidence, which literally point to a megalithically capable culture existing in the beginning of Time. The academics bully their narrative against the evidence because they can’t handle being dynamically refuted with evidence from people in the field. I hope that the readers will consider the evidence, not the theories of desk-chained theorists.  

Returning to Wachusett Peak, at the top of the Summit Loop Trail, there is a solid rock dome over the uppermost mountain face. Carved into that ‘rock-dome’ are geometric patterns with distinct right-angles which could never occur in Nature; entire sections of rock cut with parallels, triangles, and right angles. (Image/Below) This is at the top of a mountain, not near a street corner! It almost looks modern! If people do not see this, it is because they have been programed not to. This is what you will find at the peak of Wachusett Mountain.

“Summit Loop Trail” Lower trail:  Heading back down the trail there are the classic stone-linings running through the lower vale. These are beautiful stone-fixtures that run like cables from one peak to the next in the hills, literally connecting, and synergizing the landscape. 

Continuing down the ‘Lower Loop Trail’ you will find autonomous boulders near the Linings, very similar to Cavan Burren national Park’s megalithic statements in Ireland. These are the literal signs of megalithic culture all over the world.

Above is an image of a unique boulder at Wachusett. Below is an image of the Boulder at Cavan Burren National Park/Ireland, which is near many megalithic altars. The Wachusett boulder, which is subject to the same pattern, is guarding by a sacred area where a full New England Dolmen sits at the bottom of the Loop-Trail path.

Here is a look at A Dolmen that has been ridiculously labelled “Balance rock” at Wachusett Mountain (Image/Below). This Dolmen is not simply two boulders sitting on top of each other, they are two colossal stones, fixed and set, in a observably crafted style. Each stone looks to be a bout 30 tons! The lower boulder was clearly angled, and cut, to support the upper.  It is set before an altar of smaller boulders, which are set in a pattern in the foreground. This entire scene is a magnificent and extremely powerful statement about how important Wachusett was to someone, in the beginning of Time. This is a good place to stop and consider what it must have taken to create this Dolmen! 

In other parts of the woods, off trail, there are small Cairns that have been toppled. Look at the similarity of the toppled Cairn at Wachusett (Image/Left) and the toppled Cairn at the Dolmen of Kilclooney Ireland (Image/Right)  




Mount Wachusett State Reservation is yet another sacred megalithic zone full of natural beauty and wonder, on par with any Celtic or American Western zone. The best time to experience this place is in early Autumn, as it is with all New England sites. Although I was unlucky in my excursion to see Wachusett in a veil of incredibly thick fog, the statements here are still overwhelming and inspiring. Yet again, you are being introduced to a trail that, through several subtle, and not so subtle signs, is trying to get your attention. Aside from that, the Forest here is gorgeous. Open your eyes and heart to see which way the evidence here truly leads; touch the markings and stones for yourself. Hike, climb, and meditate on the energy of this synergized landscape. Wachusett is a miniature-wonderland that has been endeared by every single group that passes through, since the very beginning. There must be something much more than typical about this place; the megaliths are indicating that very thing! I hope you will take your turn as well. May the road rise to meet you! And thanks for reading.

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