The Saltee Islands
Location: Saltee Islands, Ireland
Note: The Saltee Islands hiking experience is like a dream. Take the boat ride from Kilmore Bay to land on the beach of a small Kingdom. The Saltee Islands are literally a kingdom owned by a single family dating back to medieval times, and they frequent the Island conversing gladly with hikers on the beach. Trails wind along dramatic gold and green cliffs, flowing with wildflowers and surreal rusty orange moss growing over the stones. The minor bays are filled with Puffin’s and Gull’s that glide over rolling waves and glowing boulders. It is one of the rare places that hiking barefoot is made possible by the cushioning and total softness of the terrain. Signs of ancient anthropology exist in the massive boulders along active dramatic ledges. There is a modern throne cut into the rock in a place that I believe once had a much more ancient fixture meant to be sat in. A colonial standing-stone inscribed with some of the history of this truly mystical, beautiful place is just beyond this high seat.